
Boosting Brand Visibility for Beauty Bar, Los Angeles

Modern Glow Bar
01. The Challenge

Modern Glow Bar, a premier boutique salon located in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, faced a challenge. Despite offering state-of-the-art beauty services and a luxurious customer experience, their exposure was primarily to locals and walk-ins. The salon needed to extend its reach to tourists and new residents to boost reservations.

02. Campaign Goals
  • Expand Customer Base: Target women travelers and new LA residents.
  • Increase Brand Visibility: Enhance recognition beyond the local Los Angeles area.
  • Boost Online Reservations: Drive direct bookings through digital channels.
  • Targeted Social Media Campaigns: Utilizing Facebook and Instagram, we deployed ads and branded content tailored to attract women interested in luxury beauty experiences. Our content highlighted Modern Glow Bar’s exquisite interiors and top-tier stylists.
  • Engagement Through User-Generated Content: We encouraged current clients to share their experiences using hashtags like #LABeauty and #LAHair to foster organic engagement and showcase the salon’s quality services.
  • Advanced Geo-Targeting: Personalized ads targeted women planning trips to Los Angeles, ensuring Modern Glow Bar was a part of their travel consideration.
  • Multi-Channel Advertising: Beyond social media, we employed targeted paid ads across Google Search, Display Network, and YouTube pre-roll to maintain top-of-mind awareness.

Leveraging user-generated content and hashtags like #LABeauty, #LAHair we sparked conversations highlighting the aspirational beauty experience offered.  Geo-targeting and personalized ads were used to reach women planning LA trips specifically.

We also ran targeted paid ads across search, display, and YouTube pre-roll to reinforce brand visibility at multiple touchpoints.

03. The Result
  • Brand Impressions: Achieved a 10x increase in brand impressions among tourists within six months.
  • Direct Reservations: Saw a 15% increase in direct bookings from social media.
  • Growth in Online Bookings: Monthly online bookings increased from 38 to 55.
  • Enhanced Local Reputation: Significant improvement in local brand authority and positive reviews.


Our comprehensive approach not only elevated Modern Glow Bar's visibility but also established a stronger digital footprint, enabling them to attract and engage with a broader audience. This case study exemplifies how targeted digital marketing strategies can yield substantial results in brand growth and customer acquisition.

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